Saturday 6 June 2015

Fun Feast in the East: Romania, May 2015 with The Flying Seagull Project

I ran away with the circus... again!
After spending the best six weeks of my life (so far) in a rural village in the Bacau region of Romania in Autumn 2013 with the incredible Flying Seagull Project, how could I possibly pass up on the opportunity to go on the Fun Feast in the East tour with them?! For three weeks in May, I was on the Romanian road spreading joy and laughter across the land... in full costume with high-octane energy. We performed our hilarious show and ran workshops for disadvantaged children in both rural and city locations. The photos here show a snippet of what we got up to out there. We danced, laughed, giggled, spun plates, juggled, performed magic, face painted, wore wigs, banged loudly on drums, shouted, screamed and had a jolly good time! Thank you to Bash, Justyna, Fran, Bendy, Claude, Von and all the amazing people I met (and fed us/put us up) and entertained in Europe's most beautiful country. 
O zi buna!

Thanks to Fran, Olympia, Von, Claude and Bash for photos :)

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