The Flying Seagull Project is a registered charity made up of a group of actors, artists, clowns, dancers and musicians determined to make a difference. They travel across the world, including Romania, Cambodia, Albania and soon to be India, visiting disadvantaged children, people with disability, the rural poor, marginalised communities and terminally ill children to promote the concept of "Fun Therapy," by ways of creative workshops, structured play and interactive shows.
It's not a scientific concept, it just means that we are free to have fun... and after, everyone feels better! Kids get a chance to be kids, learn new ways to interact, confidence is increased, and a general state of well being is experienced by all, both child and adult alike. The idea incorporates the whole community and encourage a strength of community bonds and celebration of cultural identity.
Right now, the charity is concentrating their efforts with disadvantaged children from all corners of Romania within these groups:-
- Gypsy Communities
- Orphans and Abandoned Children
- Young Adults with Learning Disabilities
- The Physically and Mentally Disabled
- Children in hospital and the Terminally Ill
- The Rural Poor
- Street Children

Visit the blog right now to see how you can help:
The website is currently under construction (by the super talented Adam Johns) so watch this space for more news on that.
Bash (aka Ash) Perrin, the ringleader of the Seagulls has also made a facebook page and flickr account for the charity, so be sure to check that out too! (He has also just driven all the way from London to North East Romania to the village of Godinesti De Jos to start up the projects for 2013 with continuous outreach programmes in surrounding villages and towns.)
I am soon to be a member of the Flying Seagull Troupe as I plan to go out to Romania later this year to aid on the mission of promoting fun and laughter! I am in the process of coming up with fundraiser ideas so watch this space for more information! :)
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