Brigid got me this book for Christmas about the co-founder of the Crips :) Rad pressie seeing as I've just started learning about Bloods, Crips, LA Gangs and the like

Another rad present from my flatmate Rosie! A graphic novel about two dumpster-diving-for-pizza, anarchaist punk lady skateboarders! NO FUCKING WAY! yesssss waaaay :)

And last, but by no way least, this 'extract' from Matthew Bromley's latest comic he very kindly gave me today. He's gonna make one a month and I'm gonna buy them all. here's his website:
Right, not even 9 o'clock yet and I'm fucking cream crackered! Was up at the crack of dawn today and i've done more exercise the past three days you can shake a stick at....skateboarding, cycling and walking (all day in the forest, in the mud and at night). Oh and I managed to get myself a job today :)
1 comment:
i had a picture of Tookie hanging in my bathroom for years... lost it in another move.
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