Right, so I went on a skate trip to Manchester with the ladies this weekend which was totally rad!! Met some fantastic girls Georgie, Sadie, Maria, Lois (is absolutely insane!), Danny, Zoe, Corra, Mel, Helen, Fran all sick skaters! I went to the 'World Famous Central Skatepark' Saturday evening, learnt to drop in properly and tried Rock to Fakie (not quite there yet!) and went to Projekts on Sunday which was wicked as met some local skaters. There was a rad lil skater called Jo who I thought was absolutely sick and wearing a Black Sabbath shirt...aged 11. Definition cool. I left a load of zines up there and found some familiar art...

Rad graf artist from Brummie killin' in with stickers :)

one of my favourite artists, Phlegm...and a reli goofy looking me trying not to cover it with my bigness!
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