Inkygoodness 3 - Wonderland from Inkygoodness on Vimeo.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Waaay back at Inky Goodness show
Just came across this. I attented the Inky Goodness show at Brums Custard Factory back in September just before I started uni. It was one of the best shows I've been to, so much 'goodness' to look at! Well anyway, you can see how much I liked it here as I am featured in this video! You can have a little chuckle at me too, as I did :)
Rainy walk around central
I initially went to Clapham Comman as I was gonna have a pleasant afternoon there drawing, but the heavens opened as I arrived. Thus, I went to central and walked around for ages. I found a dry spot in Covent Gardena and sat down to draw. I was interrupted by a load of French kids who just decided to hang about blocking my view-ah well!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Train drawings and misery?
I hate living in halls and I have a cold so I guess I should be pretty miserable, but I am not. I am happy to be here and around creative and brilliant people. I will miss the city over Easter. The city is where my interests lie, but I am looking forward to the fresh air of home. Bring on the countryside :)
Here are some scribblings I did on the train on my way to visit my aunt

Here are some scribblings I did on the train on my way to visit my aunt

Monday, 22 March 2010
First good drawing I've done in a week
ok, so my posts have all been photos of stuff recently, rather than the craft of my own hand. I've been pretty lame with getting my arse into gear with drawing despite having only broken my left wrist. Well anyway, here is a drawing of one of my favourite folk musicians, Alexander Tucker. I drew this last night in my clean kitchen. Go check his music out if you havent already.

Sunday, 21 March 2010
Clare E. Rojas show
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Zine and Prints fair
...almost forgot
Oh yeh, I got some stuff to sell at college today. seeing as everyone else has said that on their blogs, i thought i might :) so come to the 'bar' area of Camberwell college today and support us poor students (and the third year show) buy buying some of our crap :)
Morning life
I woke up early this morning, made myself a coffee, sat down at my computer and turned to my window to find out how much my flower had wasn't like this yesterday! I bought this plant on last week at Morrisons. I think it is one of those gift ones that was meant to be for mother's day, but I didn't see my mum on mother's day :( I did make her a rad painting of Margaret Killgallen though, but thus hasn't arrived yet-gutted as I sent it first class on friday. That sucks, my broken wrist sucks and so does living in halls (you can see the lovely view I got behind the flower) but with all that shit, this flower made me smile this morning. I bought it when there was no flower on it! Amazing how things grow, I love the spring!

I also watched this film last night with Cat, instead of drawing, but it was well worth it. A fucking long film , but it had me gripped the whole time. A gnarly car crash that connects people that wouldn't have necessarily been connected, sounds like it's been done before, but i think this was the first film to do it. check it out. thanx caleb for lending it :)
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Grindcore Chick
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
I went to see Mono for the third time last night with Brigid. They are still as epic as ever, but london gig crowds are dickheads...yes you, the stupid woopers at every fucking song when they are trying to play us a nice tune. I felt uncomfortable with my cast as well:( ah well, at least it is black. Mono are the best band ever, here is a lil video i took, sound quality is shit cos this is only from my dinky compact...GO CHECK THEM OUT FOR REAL!!
Monday, 15 March 2010
I proper ate shit, attempting a kick flip aerial 180.* The consequence is now a broken wrist. Luckily, my right arm is not the injured-still plenty of drawing to get on with :)
* that is a lie
* that is a lie
Friday, 12 March 2010
Monday, 8 March 2010
Erykah Badu
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Monday, 1 March 2010
Right, so I went on a skate trip to Manchester with the ladies this weekend which was totally rad!! Met some fantastic girls Georgie, Sadie, Maria, Lois (is absolutely insane!), Danny, Zoe, Corra, Mel, Helen, Fran all sick skaters! I went to the 'World Famous Central Skatepark' Saturday evening, learnt to drop in properly and tried Rock to Fakie (not quite there yet!) and went to Projekts on Sunday which was wicked as met some local skaters. There was a rad lil skater called Jo who I thought was absolutely sick and wearing a Black Sabbath shirt...aged 11. Definition cool. I left a load of zines up there and found some familiar art...

Rad graf artist from Brummie killin' in with stickers :)

one of my favourite artists, Phlegm...and a reli goofy looking me trying not to cover it with my bigness!
Rad graf artist from Brummie killin' in with stickers :)
one of my favourite artists, Phlegm...and a reli goofy looking me trying not to cover it with my bigness!
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