Last night, Brigid and I went to the opening of Girls + Zines at Tatty Devine, a show curated by Barbara Ryan, and I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time (Lovenskate HQ) to be asked to get involved in this! So Brash 2 is within the midst of this wonderful grrrly goodness, but also, I hope to bring Brash 3 along too (it's making progress folks!).

Valerie Phillips zine! (Gator Motel) She was there last night, but I was too shy to meet her!

For some reason, In my head, I read this as "Science Fiction, Ladies!" As if it was going to be an female friendly introduction to Science Fiction. Not that Science Fition needs to be "female friendly" 'cos it's rad!

Anyway, thank you so mcuh to miss Ryan for letting me be part of this. Check her zine and blog out at
Also, thanks to Lovenskate Stu for telling me about this :)